Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Puppeteering's Final Breath

I've suspected for a while now that the Bush administration (read: Bush & his Puppeteers) would try to force through a few last minute deals beneficial to themselves, with total disregard for the consequences. It's Bush's last electable term, and it seems highly likely that the next legislation will return to the hands of Democrats, so on a basic level, there's little if anything to lose.

The most striking example was the intervening of Bush himself in Libby's case. But when I read this BBC article this morning, I couldn't help but feel a little nauseated:

US plans huge Mid-East arms deal

During a stop-over in Shannon, Ireland, Ms Rice told reporters: "There isn't a doubt, I think, that Iran constitutes the single most important, single-country challenge to... US interests in the Middle East and to the kind of Middle East that we want to see."

What strikes me, is how the phrasing of their goals is becoming increasingly less covert. "US interest in the ME and the kind of ME we want to see"

Hang on a wee second. Surely arms (if they should happen at all) ought not to be based on what the US wants the world to be? Where is the UN response in this. It appears to me that the major institutes that once represented a healthy democratic sound aim for our World have been eroded away quite successfully by the US over the last two decades.

I personally find it shocking that such direct statements do not rouse more reaction from the general public. We might have had the (unfounded) excuse and pretense of not knowing what the real aims of US policy were in previouw decades, but surely, in this day and age, with such little attempt to cover up their policies and such disregard for global regulation, we have no more excuses for pretending we didn't know.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Sunday Struggle # I lost count

6 Billion Others. One Team. 6000 interviews. 65 countries. A little gem of a project, which collected short video testimonials of 6000 individuals. All talked about what mattered most to them. Identity. Love. Sadness. Family. Respect....

Doors with a difference. Nuff said ;-)

Bugaboo Daytrips. Clever marketing. But a cool and handy site nonetheless. Bugaboo daytrips: If you don't want to let your children change your lifestyle too much, it's always handy to find little city trips and outings that are Bugaboo friendly.

Blik Surface Graphics. I've made quite a few stencils. So far, however, all of them were sprayed on a canvas that was lying flat on the floor whilst spraying. Perfect for a novice as it avoids gravitation causing the spraypaint to drip down before it's dry. I'm actually rather apprehensive about spraying any of the walls in my new flat, despite having an envying smooth 7 x 2.4 meter surface at my disposal. I've been browsing for alternatives and I also came across these. Fab idea for the scaredituftly inclined.

Treehouse Bed. I would have launched a persistent nagging attack on my folks if these had existed in my days. A treehouse for a bed. I'd fiddle with the design for sure, but a cool concept nonetheless

Capsule - Haunted House. If I'm ever to have a wedding, I'm gonna throw whatever money I have at trying to get these guys to come cheer up the evening (not that it would need cheering up *have u seen ma girrel?!? nuff said* but you get my drift). Jo & I spotted them at the Ghent Parties. They're a rather looney band from Antwerp, and while I like their album, their quirkiness really only comes alive on stage. These guys are a visual act as much as fodder for the brain and ears.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The New Pad

Well, I think I'm just about settled in now. The Ghent Parties have come and gone and the silence has finally returned to the city. Jo came over for a ten-day holiday, which we spent on moving my stuff into my new flat, shaking a leg at the parties and general snuggling up to compensate for the 4 weeks we had to miss each other. I have plenty of stories to tell, but my Harry Potter book arrived yesterday so I'm itching to clammer onto my sofa with it for the next few hours.

My psychotherapist informed that it'd be wise to allocate a fixed time in my schedule to get my personal time protected and organised. This wasn't a particularly new observation or insight, but considering I've totally lost the boundaries in terms of personal space and work/social space of late, I take it it's advise best followed. So I've booked two hours on Saturday to sit down and write this blog. Feel free to chastidize me if I fail to follow up on my own schedule ;-)

For now, I'd like to leave u with a few pics of my flat. I know it'll take some of u a while to come and visit me again so here's the sneak peak:

-My Lounge, which is still missing a six-pack of chairs n wall-art, but all in good time-

- My kitchen -

- View from my sofa, at night -

- View from my bedroom window/balcony at dawn -

- View from the lounge, at night -

- View on the happy lazy sunday mornings when ma girrel is visiting -

Friday, July 13, 2007

Silence of the ... well... LePew.

I know. This blog has been far from exciting of late. As always, there's excuses. Good and bad ones. In all honesty, I simply fail to find a rhythm in my work and social life. I rarely get home before 8pm which leaves me very little time to write, despite having lots of stuff i want/need to write about.

It's been a period of transition, what with the new job, the new flat and the new girlfriend (all blessings, really) and my health seems to struggle a bit with the aftermath of mononucleosis, despite months of recovery.

I'm moving on Monday though, and I'm giving myself until the end of August to see if things start to settle down. If I haven't found a rhythm by then, I will have to make a few decisions to make things more workable.

I'm sure you'll be able to track by my absence or presence whether I'm succeeding at finding that rhythm.

For now, however, fingers crossed THIS doesn't happen to me on Monday ;-)