Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I may have mentioned this before. (I am after all, 2 years shy of 30, which means my "repetition allowance" is on the increase).

My girl talks in her sleep. In fact, she doesn't just talk. She sometimes unevokedly bursts out laughing in the middle of the night. What with her laughter being several deliciously sanguine decibels louder than my noctural heartrate is accustomed to, it's a surprise I haven't cardiac arrested in my sleep so far.

I was just about getting used to the inadvertent glimpses of her midnight dreams, barely bothering to throw a sleepy "what?" her way, when she had another somniloquus episode and I was quite rudely awoken by a matter-of-factly uttered "Bestiality!".

This time, I DID turn around and inquired a rather shocked "Excuse me?". To which she replied perkily "Bestiality". I couldn't get anything more out of her beyond that. She conveniently forgot about her dream when she woke up.

My interest with regards to her somniloquy has steadily risen since.


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