How NOT to apply a stencil...
My girlfriend sent me a wee quote shortly after:
"There is hope in honest error.
None in the icy perfection of the mere stylist."
- Rennie Mackintosh -
Labels: blondeness, procrastination, stencils, Words
Labels: blondeness, procrastination, stencils, Words
Labels: gadgets, geek, procrastination, Sundays, weirdness
Labels: academia, cultural, long distance, Love, Pew Life, weirdness
Labels: design, gadgets, geek, Language, procrastination, Sundays, Words
Labels: blondeness, flying, long distance, Love, Pew Life
Labels: annoyed, natural disaster, Pew Life, Science
Ye can't really tell from her picture (what with her being uncharacteristically pretty for a Scot *ONLY JOKING*... *not*), but she is in fact Scottish. Sexy accent included. And yes, yes, I KNOW I have just bought a flat and landed myself a fantastic job here in Belgium, but then I like the road less travelled. More than that... the combination of those various elements in my life seems to make perfect sense just now.
I could quite easily list a thousand things about her that make me go all mushy, but then I would like to keep my readership and it would seriously interfere with the high standard of blogging you're all accustomed to *cough*
Actually, sod that. She's fab. She's got bump 'n grind dancemoves that make MC Hammer look like a wallflower in comparison, her funky hair would turn even the most well-endowed hedgehog envious and when she smiles, it totally tugs at my heartstrings. She's in my system and it feels like that's exactly where she was meant to be. So yes, Jo's likely to feature on this blog in future. By association.
And now that I've managed to get this all out on "paper", I've cleared the path for my blogging to regain its natural flow...
Found this stencil while off out on Saturday night. I absolutely love this one. It's such a simple visual representation of mankind's evolution into a military power that has turned on itself. Very powerful visual in my opinion.
A good wine, a good meal and a good woman.
Or a bad woman.
It depends on how much happiness you can handle."
- George Burns (Via Jo) -
Labels: stencils, Sundays, Thru the Lens, Words
Labels: cultural, Lesbian, Love, Perception, Science, weirdness