Friday, March 10, 2006


Just press play...

On a completely different note... and this may come as a bit of a shock to those of you who actually know me... I've decided that 10 full days of freedom is quite enough faff&play for the time being. It is highly likely that the final wrap up of the PhD will take a few more weeks (possibly up to two more months) and I need to do something with myself other than just sit around wasting money and space or bothering people that do have real jobs. Moreover, I've started reading through my travel-guides and I've realised I could probably do with a bit more cash to survive Iceland without freezing to death in a wee tent.

So this morning I set off to Ghent, CV at the ready, to try and find myself a wee job. Now, you have to understand that I:
(1) don't take well to authority
(2) would become severly depressed if I had to clock into a shift system
(3) am really quite lazy
(4) am not the most confident individual in the world
(5) get freaked out by the sheer mention of the word: contract
(6) don't have many "usable" or "real world" skills
(6) would LOSE money due to tableware breakage if I worked in any service job. I am just THAT clumsy

But luckily, a mere 16 minutes after walking through the doors of a carefully selected target, I shook hands on a new job which deals perfectly with all of the above. YAY Me!! I've got my orientation-chat on the 20th. This should hopefully keep me off the streets, in the black and out of mischief until I'm ready to board that plane to Oz.


At 6:24 am, Blogger SaneScientist said...

Good luck. If that doesn't work out, I strongly recommend signing up to several job agencies. The advantage is that you can earn quite good money, and walk out if the job is crap.

Take it from me, doing a PhD gives you an incredible amount of highly valued "soft skills" when you sit and think about it. Chances are that you will be on of the most computer literate, numerate and literate people on their books. However, you MUST emphasise them when they interview you, since they will have no idea what a science PhD actually involves.

The computer tests they give you are laughably easy for anyone who has ever used Excel to manipulate their data or written a thesis in Word. I pretty much broke the record in the agency for scores on Excel - and I'm no bioinformatician!

At 1:40 pm, Blogger Dr.Pew said...

Yes, I considered job agencies, but then I remembered this particular company and realised they'd give me the chance to pick my own hours and as many as I liked, at a great pay, without having to commit to a term :)) Perfect for a moody flutter like myself.

Good point on the computer skills and such though... I probably dont stress those enough on my CV! And though it's two fingered-blind-typing, I'm sure I would kick ass ;-)

At 8:04 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I have spoken to you a few times on gaydar and stalked you onto here.. ok not really stalked.. Anyways I am just back from Oz so if you need any tips etc - if you havent been before - or just wanna chat about it give me an email :)

no _ doubt _ rock @ hotmail. com


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