Saturday, March 04, 2006

Assez de Frites

I nearly wet my pants when I read this newspaper clipping (click on image for a larger version):

PS: I think, Phil, this fits in rather well with part of our convo last Thursday!! ;)

PPS: For the non-Dutch speakers amongst you, on the left is a letter sent out by a Dutch firm to a Flemish firm in Antwerp, in rather painfully crippled French. On the right is the reply in French (not without sarcasm) by the Flemish firm.


At 6:29 am, Blogger SaneScientist said...

I am so proud that I managed to read the whole thing, and get the joke, having onbly ever done GCSE and "Brit on Holiday" level French. Didn't notice that the French was crippled however LOL.


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