Thursday, February 23, 2006


Oh I couldn't make this up if I tried *wry smile*.

To fend off the impending headache and frustration at having the carpenter round all day (read Carpenter PartI & II), I decided to draw myself a nice hot bath. I'd literally *just* entirely immersed myself in it, when, yes you guessed it, the doorbell rang again.

Realising that resistance is futile, I hauled myself out off the bathtub and stuck my head through the window. "Hullo? Erm, Sir? I'm actually taking a bath right now!"

But it was a different voice alltogether that called back up: "Ma'am? It's the plumber. I'm here to fix the taps of your bath?"

Oh I shit you not.

Tis why I've decided to remain unwashed today, to not go near the loo, to leave all my doors wideopen and to generally give up on the illusion that anything will go right or that I'll get any work done on my thesis before plumbers and carpenters alike have satisfied their darkest needs for inconveniencing.


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