Thursday, February 23, 2006

Carpenter - Part II

The carpenter arrived early this morning. A whole hour early to be exact. To avoid the impending headache, despite his earliness, I made sure to get out of bed upon his first 30 second-long ring of the doorbell.

Attempting to greet him somewhat less rudely than I did yesterday, I forced a smile on my face. Smile was short-lived, however. Toothie grin and electrical drill at hand, the guy greets me with:

"Ma'am, does the electricity socket in your garden work?"
"Yes, Sir. It does."
"OK. I'll try it to see if it works then, shall I?"

Realising the scale of illogic at hand here, I try to beat him to the next doorbell war and suggest: "Look, Sir, I'm sure it works. But should it not, I will leave this door ajar and you can just use the electrical socket down here, OK?"

To which HE replies: "Oh no hun, don't worry about it, I'll simply shut the door and will just ring the bell if I need you."

I'm seriously starting to wonder whether there is such an afflication as Doorbell Obsession.


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