Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Hot Stuff

I'm wee. It's a sad fact I am not willing to admit too often, so enjoy the moment while it lasts. But yes, even despite my recent 2 cm growth incident, I am a wee one. And although I can be ridiculously loud when needs be, I doubt that would deter any mugger from its mission. They'd probably find it funny more than threatening. So I'm trying to think ahead here.

I've been told that Lima (Peru) is not the safest of places to go to. Most people I know that have been mugged or assaulted on their travels, were in Lima at the time of the incident, so that's a pretty clear indication that I should take their warnings seriously.

So what are my options? I could find myself a burly boy- or girlfriend for the duration of my stay there, but I'd really rather not. I could drag a baseball bat around with me, but anyone who's seen me take a swing will know that I'd probably swing myself unconcious. Martial Arts. Yes. Good idea, although after two years of Judo lessons down the local youthcenter, I only got away with a boring boyfriend and an incredible ability to get hurtled from manheight without breaking any bones.

Thank god for the BBC then... Chilli Attack.

So... tomorrow morning, I'm going off in search of the spiciest chillis around. I will then proceed to crush them, mix them with some water and fill a wee spray bottle with the resulting slush. I will of course want to test-run the mixture, so if anyone has a bit of spare time to get chillisprayed tomorrow afternoon, drop me a line... (Val, I KNOW for a fact you have lots of spare time...)

Today's Mp3-Repeat: Sinead O'Conner - Troy


At 9:12 am, Blogger Disco said...

You could go for a slower, more devious approach .

At 12:55 pm, Blogger SaneScientist said...

I shall be eagerly awaiting the news reports of a blonde-dwarf being escorted off a jumbo jet for possessing a suspicious liquid...

At 1:47 pm, Blogger Dr.Pew said...

Easy Tiger! I am wee. Not dwarf-sized. So steady, or you might find yourself at the end of one hot hissy fit. Caliente.

Disco... again, I'm not sure you understood the assignment: "Quick mugger deterrent techniques". Somehow I don't think wrestling the mugger to the floor and stuffing him with liquorice qualifies. Maybe I should open a comment section for special-needs geeks. Just for you ;-) *nudge*

PS: this is a meager attempt at hiding my worry at your devious nature. First you talk about killing a gerbil, now you're reading up on poisoning techniques... I'm not sure I like where we're heading!! :/

At 4:43 pm, Blogger Disco said...

I am purely a victim of circumstances. Not to worry you further, and fan the flames of the developing deviousness myth, but two of the three hens also suffered unfortunate demises whilst under my expert care (in two separate incidents to boot, one could even be classed as a poisoning incident). In the event of the liquorice not working out (although I’m completely convinced of its effectiveness) you could try the Techno Bra. Or perhaps even the Armageddon Bra which warns of incoming missiles. Surely I get extra assignment credit now?

Special-needs geek commenting. Hmmm... I’ve always thought... No, won’t go there.


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