Monday, August 21, 2006

Run from Cover

Now that my long-jons are packed, all that's left for me to do is to sort out my travel insurance. Oh Joy. I spent the better part of this evening trawling through sickeningly mushy insurance leaflets. We all know the type: glowy, soft focus images of happy all-american families. I genuinely worry about a world in which this type of product-placement actually has a cachment group.


As the daughter of a lawyer-mother, I've been subjected to years of covert, yet methodical, "read-the-small-print" and "don't-be-like-all-the-other-idiots-out-here" drills, so I couldn't just leave it at a quick browse through the leaflets. I selected the four policies that looked most promising (the absence of creepily smiling infants being their most notable feature) and bowed down over their respective small-prints. And you know what? I can't for the life of me understand why anyone would chose to buy travel insurance. Really. I know it's suposed to be a good thing and all, but has anyone ever READ the small print? Has anyone ever successfully lodged a claim?!


Bagage Insurance: Theft, damage or loss of bagage insured up to a value of £1,200

Excluded from policy are following items:
- sunglasses, glasses, contact lenses
- camping gear
- breakables (glass, porcelain,...)
- hard- & software (cameras, mobile phones, mp3 players, ...)
- toiletries
- credit cards, passports, transport documents, ID, keys,...

So erm... you're basically insuring my long jons and socks only?! Fantastic deal! Let me write you a check for £150 right now!! *rolls eyes*

This wasn't just the one policy either. I have now checked policies from 5 different companies, all stating pretty much the same thing. I'd love to name-and-shame them, but erm... I've yet to buy myself some Blogger's Libel Insurance.


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