Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The Ex Conundrum

There's an unspoken rule that getting back together with an ex is a no-go area. Most people I know that do end up reconciling with their ex, tend to fall into the trap of off-and-on-and-off again relationships, which hardly seems worth the effort. Now, in theory I'm an easy-going, open-minded individual who whole-heartedly backs the "go-with-the-flow" concept. In practice however, I'm a compulsive overthinker who's been burnt a few too many times to play reckless with the heartstrings. Unfortunately, I am also a ridiculously impatient, impulsive little git. And if those two characteristics seem contradictory to you, ponder this: I act on impulse and only then do I compulsively overthink. Welcome to my life.

The way I see it, reconciliation with an ex is only possible if you've left the previous encounter on equal footing. Clean slates and all that. But even then you have to ask yourself why it didn't work the first time around. And there's the problem: What if you've forgotten why it didn't work? What if, after not having seen the ex in question for 3 years, you meet up on a whim and you're both instantly grabbed by that old spark again. You've both evolved a great deal in an eerily similar way, the spark starts to reignite and it is hard to remember why it didn't work the first time round. So all flags are "go".

The tricky part here is that we're both about to embark on our own 6-month travel stints (talk about parallel evolutions!). And while my Impulsive Side is screaming down one ear: "Go on then, jump", the Compulsive Overthinker's squealling down the other: "Don't be such an arse, we've set up this entire trip to rectify your lack of spine. Stick to your guns. Go solo."

Peace and quiet only returned when I booked my round-the-world ticket two weeks ago at a time when Compulsive Overthinker was in charge. The dates of the tickets are flexible, but the destinations aren't, so I am now indirectly forced to stick to my guns, despite the impulsive flutters. That solves the conundrum entirely. I'm convincing myself now that if we've evolved along the same path so far, the odds of us crossing paths again, are in our favour. And then we can take if from there. This Trek needs to be done. And it needs to be done Solo. If only so I can grow a spine.

Today's Mp3-Repeats:
Ivy - Worry About You
Soulwax - Gorillaz Dare Remix (!)

Today's Polaroid:

- AngelWings 17/08/2006 -



At 11:15 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have the same 'problem' with one of my exs, sparks fly, things happen, we move backwards instead of forwards. Of course your situation may be entirely different ;)

At 12:30 pm, Blogger Dr.Pew said...

Hm, maybe a bit different ;)

It's a pretty clear-cut thing. Either one goes forward or one doesn't. There is no backwards in this case. But it comes at a time when other stuff is on the agenda. So it's more a question of priorities. And to what extent do you tweak your plans to sort of have them converge or not. It's a tricky balance and temptation is hard to resist. But in the end, paths cross when they do and all things considered, it is likely they will again and very likely even during the Big Trek. Time just has a twisted sense of humour, that's the only point I was trying (but failed) to make ;-)


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