Tuesday, February 26, 2008

What the Bleep does anyone know really?

I have to blog tonight despite it potentially damaging my credibility as both a scientist and a rational human being. A few years ago, I watched the documentary "What the Bleep do we know?"

It features interviews with several scientists (physicists, neuroscientists,...) as well as the infamous JZ Knight, otherwise known as the channel of Ramtha. (Bare with me on this). The film is a strange blend of spiritual concepts and scientific theory and whilst the storyline is rather lame, at times, the documentary comes across as highly empowering, stating that how we perceive reality is largely up to us. It goes on to say that life is therefore our own responsibility entirely, and that by tweaking our inner self, and tapping into this particular conciousness, we can shape our own realities.

On a intuitive level, I like this interpretation. But the scientific theories presented as "proof" are downright fishy. I am aware that science isn't the begin all and end all of things, but it's in my nature to at least try to figure out arguments in favour of a theory or idea. I checked many of the references of the documentary, as well as the backgrounds of the interviewees, and the whole documentary soon lost all credibility.

Apart from feeling frustrated with the misrepresentation and manipulation of science, I also struggled with the fact that I can feel so empowered by an idea that feels intuitively right to me, yet feel so entirely deflated in the absence of sound scientific proof of it?

It comes to a point where I feel almost embarassed at having nearly fallen for an idea that is so scientifically unsound. It unsettles the scientist in me. Yet, at the same time, my own rejection of the intuitive side of me, leaves me somewhat puzzled and confused.

Discussions about religion aside, when you strongly believe in something that is not scientifically sound, do you feel the need to justify it to yourself? And how DO you justify it to yourself? Does it make you feel slightly out of whack with your rational self?


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