Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Santiago, city of lovers.

"Romance imbues this city like a fog,
sifting down into quiet tables in tiny cafes,
shaded courtyards in plazas
and silent corners of radiant parques"

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At 11:54 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh that's just depressing lol.

At 3:30 am, Blogger Dr.Pew said...

Trust you to comment on this one ;p

I just find it tremendously endearing and it always puts a spring in my step. One moment, it's you out there. The other moment, it's someone else. We all have our times. It's all fluid. It's all good.

I just got in from a lovely night out, and I think it's starting to become embedded in my brain now, thanks to the travelling: you can connect to SO many people. There's so many opportunities out there, if you're just willing to grab them. Douglas Adams had a point: Don't Panic.

I also had a few drinks. Excuise the sappiness. The world's pink. Night!!! *grin*

At 10:26 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like to think I comment equally amongst the posts, haha.

I must admit it is somewhat cute when you see two people all in love. I think when you're travelling you notice it more because you're so far away from the people you would hug and so genuine affection to. Well that's how I flet anyways.

I keep meaning to read that book, any good? Although maybe I should read Hitchhikers Guide... first!

Hope your head isn't too fuzzy this morning ;)

At 12:06 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

...isn't "Don't Panic!!!" from the Hitchhickers Guide to the Galaxy!?!

Well, i have to admit that i agree to a lot of the previous statements here...although, i beleive we may have found the perpatrator of Santiago's latest 'shots-of-lovers-taken-from-the-bush voyuer'!!!

all those poor lovers, wandering around trying to figure out why everytime they get close to one another there's some kind of clicking/whiring-type noise going off???

i think there may be a price on your head, so watch out...

At 1:25 pm, Blogger Dr.Pew said...

Yip, Don't Panic is from the HHG2G...

and thanks for tagging me as the latest voyeur. I did contemplate leaving the more grainy pictures off the blog, because they do look like I was sat in a bush with some kick-ass lens... but they're grainy cuz I took them randomly while walking, without stopping lol.

I am SO over the whole "stalking couples" thing now though. I have a new project. ;)


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