Saturday, November 11, 2006

More Than Intimate Strangers

The more people find their way to your blog, the harder it becomes to write. It's not as much performance anxiety as it is that my style of writing tends to be quite rooted in my reality. It is very easy to spew your opinions, daily grievances and dallyings, when you know you are entirely anonymous and will, at worst, only be held accountable for your writings by an intimate stranger. When the people that are entertwined with your life find their way to your writings, you suddenly become very vulnerable. While I am perfectly forthright in my person-to-person contacts... I find it a struggle to keep true to my blogstyle, under an ever thinning coat of anonimity. I suspect that too, is a reason why my posts have been more sporadic and less coherent of late.

I have exchanged blog-addresses with several Single Serving Friends, some seem to have found their way to my blog on their own and friends&family from back home check in regularly to see how I'm doing. I think the reason any of us write, is quite simply, to be read. The fact that my posts start reaching more people, is actually a good thing then. I guess I simply have to come to terms with the fact that I need to be prepared to take full responsibility for what I write. And try not to write less because of it.

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