Tuesday, July 19, 2005


It's been 6.5 years since I lived at home and 5 since I lived in Belgium, so it's been a big adjustment these past few days. It's also no surprise that I came back to a room filled with clutter my 19-year old self left behind. I felt a sudden urge to rid my room of all of its contents and I turned it into something my 25-year old self could quite happily survive in for a good 2 or 3 months without going insane.

It all went out the door rather smoothly until, that is, I came to my stash of lecture notes. Four years worth of Physics lectures neatly stored away. Although most of my friends seem to feel the need to hold on to these notes because of their possible future use as reference guides, I myself held on to them for very different reasons. I never really expected to earn my degree. And although four years have passed since graduating, I still have this feeling someone someday will turn around laughing: "Hahaaaa! Gotcha! That piece of paper you're holding... it's worthless! You never graduated in the first place! Fooled you proper, didn't we?!"

Although I have since earned an Msc and am well underway to getting my PhD, it's a feeling I've never really been able to shake off. It might have something to do with the fact that I never actually attended classes and therefore was, in some form at least, a ghost on campus.

But I bit the bullet. And here's the result: a nice little bit of fuel for the BBQ I'm having if the weather permits. To put things in perspective, the biggest pile of the two actually reaches the height of my chin (I'm 5ft4). To do it justice, please bear in mind that ALL of that took residence in that tiny little head of mine for at least a whole 4 hours at some point during my degree. I'm well impressed by the capacity of my short term memory!!! Although, looking back at the syllabi, I have trouble remembering why I ever chose to sit "vacuumtechnology" or how I ever survived "Galactic Astronomy", "Symmetrygroups" or "Quantum Theory". One of the courses I actually don't even remember taking at all :s ... hurray for student deliriums I say!!! :D



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