Saturday, July 02, 2005

Make Poverty History

I am shocked at how easily the whole Make Poverty History event in Edinburgh today got hi-jacked by celebs and semi-celebs under the heading of Bob Geldofs "Live8" happening. Radio1 in particular reported on the "biggest live music event in history" yesterday as if it was merely that... a live music event. "Sir" Bob Geldofs ego-trip succesfully managed to turn what was suposed to be a serene and convincing day of focus on world debt, into a media circus interested purely in who would or would not make an appearance at Hyde Park.

30 minute news-reels covering the Make Poverty History day spent a majority of focus on the concerts taking place around the world, and a dismal 45 seconds on reporting the actual march in Edinburgh which was to be the culimination of months of fighting and campaigning for justified and correct methods for debt relief.

I'm relieved however, that 225.000 people did turn up to demonstrate and attempted to remind the world that the focus really ought to be on Third World Debt rather than on which songs Madonna was likely to perform. Geldof calling the G8 leaders "the real stars of the event" is sickening and I am surprised so little focus is given to the real facts and to the thousands of lives and futures still at stake here. The deal has not been accomplished, no matter what Geldof tries to put out there.

Geldof should get his sodden hands off the Make Poverty History cause and the attention should be returned to where it's due. I for one was glad to be in Edinburgh amidst thousands of others willing to right this wrong.


At 4:45 pm, Blogger sara cacao said...

Como te entendo!... :| o.Oh Well!...


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