The Sunday Struggle #12
This link works only intermittently, and is highly controversial. Women who want cosmetic surgery but don't have the financial means to get them, post their pleas (often with suggestive pictures) online. Other visitors (mostly men) can donate money to the causes they deem most worthy. While I don't condone the use of such sites or what they represent, it's an interesting example of how the web is used to serve just about any purpose these days.
4. For the Geeks (Thx Disco!)
5. For Dutch/Flemish readers: BomVol: A new digital magazine. Clicking through the pages demonstrates a new non-hierarchical, non-linear structure of a magazine. Creative visualisations. Takes some getting used to, but is definitely an interesting new concept.
6. More stencils & wall-art: I just bought myself this one. (Thx Mimusic!)
7. Another one for the geeks: "Is there an association between the use of heeled shoes and schizophrenia?" (Thx again, putmy)
9. Display clothing. Visual displays on clothing. Everyone that was with me on the Physics trip to Cambridge a couple of years ago, knew this was coming (CDT)... I guess it's finally here.
10. If you're looking for a good Sunday film, I'd highly recommend getting one of these out on DVD:
Hmmm, some really interesting links here. I love the wall art/stencils. I've also spent ages reading the use and abuse of English one...
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