Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I may be asking for blood donations soon…

Ok I exaggerate. But seriously. My latest bloodtest sent my doctor on the warpath and I may soon find myself bargaining for an easy way out. A blood transfusion being one of these easier escapes.

It turns out I’m severly iron-deficient, on the brink of anemic. Which really, if you think about it, is yet another proof that evolution is blind if not stupid. Women are ridiculously inefficient at iron absorption and as it turns out: I’m one of the rather more challenged of females.

If I was the slightest bit self-pityingly inclined, I’d be tempted to shout: “Not ANOTHER sodden minority membership!!” but you all know I’m a sucker for being different ;-)

The warpath destruction entails a whole list of dietary must and mustn’t dos, that has me losing the will to live. So to speak. The fact that I’m to abstain from caffeine is one thing, but to request I toss out my entire chocolate provision is just one step too far. I’m contemplating bloodtransfusions if there are any takers. Or givers, depending on your viewpoint.

I always felt I was reasonably intelligent, but the list has got me doubting. The MustDos include fortified cereals. Fab. If it weren’t for the fact that the MusntDos contain milk, which has me in a bit of a predicament. What’s the point of fortified cereals if there’s no milk to eat them with.

And before you suggest, I shall never surrender to soy. (Churchill’s got nothing on me).

To compensate, I’ve stacked my fridge with an entire cow’s carcass. This will undoubtedly leave my vegetarian better half mildly disgusted, but we all have to make some sacrifices here and there.

At any rate, keep them veins pumping. I might call on you sooner than you think.

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At 8:12 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm A Rh(D), positive and I can miss a pint or two. :)

At 8:46 pm, Blogger Dr.Pew said...

Shame. I'm O+

But thanks for the offer ;)

At 11:04 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that means you can give me blood! :D


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