Saturday, February 10, 2007

Where words fail...

I went to a literature/poetry night at the NTG this evening (courtesy of Ine, for which thanks!). It was a good attempt, if anything. But my head is full now. I find it hard to listen to a series of poems. I'm still processing one when the next has got its foot in the door. Certain words... evoke things which can't just be bulldozed over by the next series of words. Anyway. It's a pretty strange after-effect right now.

I made the mistake of turning on my mp3 on the drive home. It stumbled right onto this one:

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You can listen to it straight from this widget (just click on the file name: Aqualung). Five years after first hearing it, this song still reaches places few other songs manage to go to. I would write the lyrics down, but they lose half their power without the context of their music.

Not much space left in my head now. Time for bed.

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