Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Subliminal Ticking

All this purposelessness is making me feel restless and wired. I have recovered enough to resume normal activities, but not enough to vent frustrations in say... the gym or the nightclub. And jobhunting involves a hell of a lot of pointless waiting around. No wonder people don't do it more often.

Anyway... that wasn't the reason for my blogging. The reason I'm blogging is this recurrent dream I've been having every night for over a week now. Or rather, a recurrent feature of my dreams, because the dreams themselves have actually all been very different. The only constant in them all was that I was quite simply very pregnant.

It's bizarre really. There's never an explanation as to how I got knocked-up or by whom, or what it is exactly I am pregnant of. It's never part of the storyline. It's just me, strolling around being pregnant.

Now, I had an episode like that when I was about 20. Only... I was actually very broody back then. This time around, I'm not so much broody, as I am surrounded by friends being pregnant. I rather suspect it is a subliminal message of my body that my biological clock is ticking. So if the alarm first went off when I was 20 and the "snooze" time is roughly 7 years, then according to my calculations, I can safely hit "snooze" again and still make the mid-thirties deadline to decide the kids/no kids issue... right?! Right.



At 11:59 pm, Blogger SaneScientist said...

Seven years between procreation cycles... hmmm you aren't a Vulacn are you?

At 12:17 am, Blogger Dr.Pew said...

I should hope not! I dread to think I'd ever have to participate in an activity as vulgar as a mindmelt! ;p

At 9:30 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hope you are right... i snoozed, and apparently, these days, I don't feel the urge to have a kid anymore: they drool, cry, mess up your house, and make sure you cannot sleep as long as you want to, nor live your life you used to.
(yep i certainly want a littl'one, one day. in 5 years or so. or so.

At 11:27 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, for those who want to believe in those things, some say that pregnancy in dreams is a sign of death. Just like death in dreams is a sign of life or beginning.

But not to worry Pew, I've had recurrent dreams about losing my teeth - which ultimately is ALSO a death sign - honestly, happens so often that Belgium's death rate should have risen exponentially. :)

Tis probably just your body telling you you need to have s*x urgently ;)

At 12:35 pm, Blogger Dr.Pew said...

Ine: I've always said I like kids on a case by case basis. Having said that, some adults drool, cry, mess up your house and keep you from a healthy lie-in too.

I'm sure things like that don't matter if it's your own kid tho...

At 12:40 pm, Blogger Dr.Pew said...

Cam: Well, it HAS been 2 months, but somehow I don't think sex's the explanation ;-) And I shall ignore your death idea too, thank you very much.

Actually, a mate of mine told me pregnancy-dreams mean you've an idea or something that's developing or a big accomplishment that's about to occur...If you believe in that stuff ;-)

At 11:51 pm, Blogger Dr Jim said...

As the Elder Geek, I feel it is my duty to remind you that if Vulcans don't mate, they die.



At 10:01 am, Blogger Dr.Pew said...

Oh. Right. Well, seeing as I might not survive my Pon Farr lest I find a mate... Who wants to engage in a little Plak Tow with me?!? Any volunteers?!?

... this is an absolutely Uber-geekish comment *hangs head in shame*. Actually. If anyone out there still knows what I am on about: I *LOVE* you!


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