Just a little note to say I've not forgotten about this blog's existence. I am feeling a little too miserable to blog properly after having been in a hostel bed with a 39-degree fever for the last 5 days. Finally got seen by a proper doctor in hospital today, so hopefully be back on my feet with the juicy, graphic details of the last 10 days before too long... until then, I am going to hug my duvet and crash out in my jimmy jams in the hostel lounge. Not particularly sexy, but highly effective.
Que te vayas bien! Hasta luego.
My lordy are you ok?!
H'oi, LePew, who do you think you are leaving an entry like this and then not letting any of your highly dispersed network of friends know whats happening now!?!
Are you ok!?!
You're not still swanning around in yer jammies are you!?!
Or maybe everything is fine now, its just that i have been excluded from your inner circle of elite chums...or maybe my current situation of unemployment/job applications, reading in coffee shops and wanderings around town enduring what can only be termed the worst weather Scotland (and bad weather is normal, it iscurrently what is locally termed "Boggin'") has thrown at its sorry inhabitants in quite some time has leant me towards a more pesimistic viewpoint...or maybe i just miss having our morning caffeine-fuelled rants over messenger, they really were such a therapeutic start to the day.
Hope you're ok pewster, i know that you've probably just got lost in the bottom of the latest batch of Pisco to be delivered to your far-flung corner of latin america, but sitll...
take care toots!
Hey you guys.
Sarah has been flown back to Belgium last weekend with a mononucleosis. This virus hit her pretty hard, and she is in hospital now recovering. She is in good hands, is totally unable to communicate because of a very bad throat, extreme fatigue and very weak condition, but I am sure she will be back blogging by the end of the week, if not next week. Thanks for your postings, Sarah does not know me doing this... I hope she'll forgive me.
Sarah's dad in Vienna.
Oh, and b.t.w. Le Pew kept the honor to herself: mononucleosis is also called the 'kissing disease'. I'm sure she would have wanted me to add this ;-)
Sarah's dad
Wow, that is awful! Get well soon, Pew! And thank you to Pew Dad for leaving a comment. As a regular Le Pew blog reader I did get worried about the absence of new posts...
Sanne & Tracey: Thanks for the concerns girls... it boosted my spirits when I read your comments yesterday.
Richard: Hey bud!! I did send you a few texts on your mobile, but i think they've gone missing yet again :( Miss our morning chats too!! Will send you a decent mail when I get to my next wave of energy. Keep your spirits up about the job buddy and just so you know, you'll always be in my inner circle :-)
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