Grand Rehearsal
Ghent went all snowy Thursday night. A perfect setting for a night out, although a less than perfect environment in terms of navigating four tipsy individuals from one pub to the next. Two of them incidentally were rather mean boys who could think of nothing better to do than snowball their far more mature, well balanced, female counterparts. Though... they are excused, as they had to restrain themselves in wait of a Moquito which took the carribean bartender literally a half an hour to prepare. "Take eet easy, man" (TIP: if you've got hours to waste, but would like a fab coctail, head for "The Mix").
We eventually headed for "Het Dreupelkot" but mistakingly ended up in some obscure Jazz club with a very ditsy blonde Dutch (need I say more) bartender.
When I got back to my car at 4.30 a.m. I found both doors and locks entirely frozen shut. I know more exciting things to be doing at that time 'o day than trying to wriggle your doorframes open in an abandoned street at -5*Celcius. As far as a grand rehearsal for New Year's Eve goes, this night was a success though. I will simply wait to go home till the sun's come up and has started defrosting my doors. No pointing wasting precious dancing time on futile things such as vehicle entrances, I say.
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