Friday, September 23, 2005

Nowt but bones

Wehey! Got bloggerbot working again, so expect a release of nonsense-underscored pics from me later today ;-) In the meantime, lo and behold: My Thorax!

Had a general health-check a few weeks back and managed to sneak my files home afterwards *proud grin*. Just in case anyone worries: That is NOT a growth in my stomach, but merely a tree in my garden obscuring the otherwise quite normal flow of light ;-) Also I do not suffer from Situs Inversus... I just couldn't be bothered flipping the picture the right way around... ohhhh lazy days...


At 12:40 pm, Blogger Dr.Pew said...

well there you go... lol. It does not. (I knew some medic-ie people would comment!)


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