The Fluff entered a climbing competition so she's in Edinburgh all day, which basically means I've got the house all to myself to happily PhD away.
I've entered that first stage of proper fear. We've long passed the stages of insecurity, boredom, panick, laziness, more panick, and have now safely made it to the fear-zone. I realised this morning that this time next year, the thesis should have been safely stored on that obscure shelf in the library to gather dust for an eternity. On the up side though, I have just managed to write a Macro for Minitab, which should reduce the planned 2 months of statistics to a mere 2 weeks (with a little help of a stroooooong coffee)! Hurray for Macros!
Displacement acitivities today have so far included finding this brilliant site with PhD-related comics:

... and fussing over the feline, as he came in with a limp today. Until I noticed that he was only limping when he was walking towards me and not when walking away from me. Seems like the cheeky sod has discovered the "play for attention"-trick. Which is quite clever considering he's severely mentally challenged. Unfortunately for him though, he hasn't quite figured out that when he can't see me (strutting away from me), I can still see him. Bless his cotton socks.
Oh well, time to get back to the Mann-Whitney U-tests... Morituri Te Salutent!
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