Tuesday, February 22, 2005


I'm generally not the superstituous type. Although I DO always wear the same socks when I have to take a plane. But overall, I'm reasonably down-to-earth.


I could swear that every year in February, I go through a week where EVERYTHING just goes wrong. I warned Fi about this a few months ago and she laughed it off. Unfortunately for her, by choosing to live with me, she has also chosen to bear the brunt of the tragedies this week usually brings about. And it started yesterday.

I woke up with Leo (the feline) on my head again and although this has become common practice, I'm certain he had an ominous attitude about him this time round. Half an hour later, my normally perfect "sunny-side-up" breakfast ruptured before it even hit the pan. No cause for panic yet. And I could cope with the fact that when I hung out my laundry, it had NO matching socks, only singles. But when three hours later BOTH my laptops had crashed and subsequently broken, I admit, I panicked. To calm myself down, I put on my PJ's again and snuggled up in my freshly clean bathrobe with a cup of very orange lentil soup... which I then spilled... over my otherwise very WHITE clean bathrobe. By this point, my bottom lip started trembling dangerously.

In an effort to distract myself, I switched on Fi's laptop. Which crashed. And now refuses to start up. This has to be a record. I managed to break not one, but THREE laptops in one day. When I rang Fi to tell her the bad news, I was positively in tears. Big long sobs.

For mine and other people's safety I have decided to hide myself in the university library for as long as possible. Which is where I am now. If the university network crashes, or the science book section catches fire... you'll know who caused it :s


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