Saturday, February 05, 2005

packing battles

So we wanted to go snowboarding/skiing this year, stretched our funds and settled on some random package holiday. The Fluff's gotten really excited about it all and has been counting down the days for months, frantically checking the online snow reports for the resort. We're due to leave tomorrow.

Today's Snow Report for Risoul:
"Last snowed: 23 Jan 2005 "
"No fresh snow today "

Figures doesn't it? ;-)

Meanwhile we're in that "day-before-holiday" mode. You couldn't get two more polarised people. Being the obsessive compulsive one, I started packing a year ago: thermal blanket, survival kit, dentistry kit, protector pads, protein bars, hydropack, ... only one step away from packing the emergency flares. All the while Fi's stretched out on the sofa watching the Six Nations Rugby, giggling away at my frantics, muttering the occasional "Geek!" comment every time I pass her with yet another load of emergency batteries.

Fi, being the cool relaxed one, has a simply mesmerizing packing ritual. Wouldn't be the first time we're up at 5am, two hours before departure time, to pack her bags from scratch for her three month stay in Canada. I have to hand it to the girl though, she always pulls it off. So today's no different. Bags are still empty, but her MP3 playlist for the trip is sorted, so... we're ok! Glad someone's got their priorities sorted ;-)

Anyway... if we do indeed make it to the airport tomorrow morning, we're off for a week of winterwonderland (Or not apparently...pray to the gods of snow for us :-).



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