Monday, June 12, 2006

Trivial Globetrotting

Four reasons NOT to play Trivial Pursuit's Globetrotting Edition with your mum:

(1) She moves her pawn wherever she wants to, regardless of how the dice fell

(2) She mouths hints at you which are COMPLETELY wrong and then giggles when you answer incorrectly

(3) She deliberately picks difficult questions relating to countries you wish to visit on your travel stint and tells you she won't allow you to go travel there if you get the questions wrong, cuz "you're clearly not well prepared yet!"

(4) When you do answer her daftly picked questions correctly, she tells you you can't go travel anyway, cuz "you clearly already know the place, so what do you want to go there for anyway?"

Oh. And she steals your cookies while ur focussing on moving your own pawn to it's legit spot on the board. Honestly. Talk about role reversals.

DISCLAIMER: I do genuinely love my mom, despite her cheating & cookiemunching.
PPS: If anyone wants to buy me a gift, the Trivial Pursuit 80's Edition would be fab, thanks.


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