Sunday, June 10, 2007

Head in the sand...

I just switched on the tele to watch the election results come in. It's disheartening. Belgians should try to live abroad for a wee while to realise just how good our systems (health, social security, pensions, safety, ...) are. I guess it proves that Belgians are forever the malcontent.

And for those who understand it: VUILE TSJEEVEN!!

(not very mature, but I really needed to let slip)


At 9:58 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vuile Tsjeeven!!

Voila, now you're not the only one being immature ;-)

At 6:26 am, Blogger Dr.Pew said...

great minds think alike... or was it fools never differ ;-)

At 7:38 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is a frightening as well as deeply sad thing to know that your country of birth is going to be politically managed again as it was at your (grand)-parents time. Europe is - for whatever reason - regressing into a state of religious conservatism in an increasing number of countries, and there is no counter reaction, there is no revolt, no criticism of any significant kind... And I am even more shocked that the generation of my kids seems to lack any kind of aversion or disgust and - as the election results show - blindly follows in the comfortable footsteps of their parents. Having been such a parent, I sincerely apologize if I had any doing in this and hope to make up for it, somehow, sometime.

At 7:59 am, Blogger Dr.Pew said...

I'm not sure your statement of lack of disgust or revolt is accurate dad. If you simply take a look at the recent spate of blogposts, you'll see that the blogging community IS greatly involved.

I simply think that there is a pretty big divide between lifestyles in my generation. Belgium is and has always been a rather traditional country. Half of my generation seems to favor a return to that. But I know for a fact that at least an equal amount doesn't.

Our political landscape is simply such that it diffuses "revolt". There are so many smaller parties which absorb "statements" made by "insurgents" so the overall message remains unclear.

Many of my friends decided to vote strategically, rather than for the party they actually favored. This in itself implies that the results misrepresent the actual underlying opinions.

There's plenty of criticism, but criticism in itself never solved anything. It didn't in for your generation and it won't now. And in all honesty, our situations aren't dramatic. There is little to actually revolt against at the moment, as we have to wait and see what the new political landscape intends to achieve. We all know their programs rarely mirror exactly the actions they intend to undertake.

People will revolt against specifc issues. But revolting against general concepts seems pointless.

I'm confident in that a sufficient number of my generation, your generation and the older generation WILL take a stand when it can actually make a difference.


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